COLE in Playful Puppies

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

When the customer told me the bedding set was called Playful Puppies, I knew the letter set would end up being one of my favorites. My son Noah absolutely loves dogs, so I was thinking of him while painting the designs for Cole.

Both puppies were custom cut to match the exact puppies in the bedding. Although an additional $15 for the pattern, it was well worth it. The puppies are adorable in their red and navy sweaters, and the stitching accents give them a little pop.

The entire set is handpainted, by me. I take great care in handpainting every little detail, many times mulling over the placement of the next detail for several minutes before proceeding.

Every set of letters begins with a sketch and an estiamte. You give me as much or as little detail that you desire, and I take it from there! Be sure to visit my website for more examples of my artwork.