EtsyKids Spotlight: Northwoods Toys

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Brand new feaure on my blog! I will spotlighting an EtsyKids team member from the Central US region each week for a while. This week's spotlight is on Northwoods Toys from Wisconsin.

Here is their little bio from Facebook:

Northwoods Toys is a husband and wife crafting team located in the "Northwoods" of Wisconsin. We have been making hand-crafted toys ever since our 3-year-old twin daughters were infants. Stu makes wood toys and Jennifer makes felt play food and other sewn toys.

Mission: We strive to provide high-quality hand-made toys that your child will love. Our children are our product testers and quality assurance team.

Products: Hand-crafted toys for all ages including wood toys, felt play food, plushies, and more.

Visit their website (or Etsy) for some really wonderful handmade toys like lacing cards, Squeez-a-Balls©, and some of the cutest felt play food I have seen!

The EtsyKids Team is a diverse group of talented and dedicated Etsy shop owners making items for babies, toddlers, and children. Although we come from different backgrounds and all corners of the world , we are held together by the fact that our members all love to create things for children. In our members' shops, you will find a wide variety of items ranging from clothing to toys to furniture to art and everything in between, in every style imaginable.